The Biggest Disadvantages of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle… and… Some Solutions.


The Biggest Disadvantages of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle… and… Some Solutions.

The digital nomad lifestyle is incredibly attractive because it offers many amazing benefits. For one, you can travel the world and find inspiring atmospheres wherever you go. Gone are the days when you had to commute to a gray office to make a living!

Digital nomads enjoy a lot of freedom and independence because their business is online. As such, they can work from anywhere in the world, which allows them to immerse themselves in new places and cultures. Work turns into an adventure. 

However, it’s not all roses! The digital nomad lifestyle is a big change and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are many disadvantages to consider, especially when it comes to finding affordable short rental terms, which is one of the biggest challenges.

To broaden your perspective, here are the major pain points of the digital nomad lifestyle when it comes to rentals, and discover a good solution!

Main Disadvantages of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Expensive Monthly Rentals

One of the most relevant disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle is that most of your money goes into traveling and rentals. Monthly rentals on rental sites like Airbnb can be expensive and it’s very difficult to find options that fit your budget. Digital nomads should be able to access high-end and secure rentals that provide the short-term rental terms that suit their lifestyle without too much trouble. That’s why Built By DAO exists!

Hostels Can Be Dangerous

When short rental terms are too expensive to afford, digital nomads don’t have many options. They can either couch surf or go to a hostel, but both options expose them to risks. It’s very difficult to feel secure when you’re surrounded by people you don’t know, so it can be a stressful experience. Additionally, neither couch surfing nor hostels are the best options for spending more than a few nights. 

Most Leases Are Not Short-Term

Short-term leases are not as common as you may think and they’re often expensive. Finding leases for a few months, weeks, or days can take time. As a result, digital nomads often don’t know where their next bed will be because you don’t always know in advance which country you’ll visit next. Though finding short-term accommodations in a rush can be an adventure and most people embrace the challenge, it would be better to have a consistent source of options. 

Final Words

Most of the main disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle revolve around the affordability of short-term rentals. However, we have a good solution for you!

Built By DAO seeks to address that issue by providing flexible short-term roaming rentals with terms between 3 to 12 months. This is a blockchain-native real estate sharing, investing, and equity-building DAO. 

In essence, we want to give digital nomads the ability to live all over the world, have access to high-quality amenities, and build equity, which is not something they can currently do. Want to learn more? Explore our website and connect with us!