The Digital Nomad Lifestyle


The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Two years ago, the world turned upside down with a global pandemic which led to dramatic lifestyle shifts and lots of time for individuals to experience existential crises. While a sense of normalcy has been established since then, the ‘new’ normal requires some changes in the way we perceive work. Today, people want to break down their cubicles, put up work-life boundaries, focus on their mental peace, and break away from the urban jungle.

This is the world of the Digital Nomad.

With the rise of technology and the internet, there is nothing holding people back from pursuing their dreams of travel and leisure while working full time. There are no more designated vacation days, slaving away for bonuses, or the need to request leave for some downtime. The nomadic life is making a comeback as a way for people to escape the stifling life of big cities and enjoy dierent cultures, views, and activities across the globe. The world has transformed into a global village, made even smaller due to digital transformation, and people want to see it all. So, whether it is a small sea town or the vast country farms, work from home has transformed into work from “just about anywhere”.

Why is the Digital Nomad lifestyle gaining popularity?


The freedom that a nomadic lifestyle offers individuals feels refreshing after years of the toxic 9-5 work culture that was detrimental to mental and emotional health. Not all people are meant for fixed routines, limited circles, and the expected life cycle. Being a digital nomad allows you to work from anywhere you want to, as long as you get the work done. That means that in terms of when, where, and how, only you hold the reigns. This freedom to dictate your life is the most attractive quality of the nomadic life.

It’s Cheap

It is amazing to think that when it comes down to the basics, there is very little you need in order to survive and be happy. With the freedom to go anywhere you choose at any time, the only costs you need to think about are food, transport, and shelter; the rest is whatever you choose to spend on yourself. In addition, a minimalistic lifestyle is attracting people with the promise of limited possessions, no bills, deposits, or rent to pay, and nothing to bind them down. All in all, the nomadic lifestyle is decluttered and fairly inexpensive.

Travel the World

Most people keep travel as their retirement or vacation goal. They build up their savings, arrange their work matters, and plan excessively, just to visit a new place for a few days and go back to that same monotonous life. If you are one of those who need something more substantial than this- to really experience the world- being a digital nomad may just be the path for you. From food to lifestyle, scenic views to culture, there is a lot to learn and see across the globe, and with the traditional barriers broken, travel has become the new trend.

The nomadic lifestyle is not all a bed of roses, however.

There is still a lot to consider before adopting the life of a digital nomad. With a lack of certainty in lodgings and work, transition and adaptation can be tough. This decentralized lifestyle requires a lot of planning and risk management and can be taxing for many. It can also be a solitary life, with no physical connection to family and friends for long periods of time, which often leads to feelings of loneliness.

One of the major concerns, however, that people have is the lack of foundation that comes with this change. There is no permanent place to call home and the constant drifting can become taxing after a while. With notangible results at the end of the day, many people who “wander and work” face the same question: what’s the endgame?

Built by DAO is a solution to that endgame. Digital nomads now have the option to turn their lifestyles and aspirations into tangible investments that secure their future. Built by DAO oers the best and the most convenient short-term rentals across 12 Us cities for digital nomads, features world-class amenities, and allows individuals stress-free transitions in their travels. And get this: the best part is that the company allows individuals to build up their equity through membership, bit by bit until they can exchange that for tangible real estate investments. Basically, through Built by DAO, you get to live the life of your dreams while planning for the future of your dreams.

Being a Digital Nomad is not everyone’s cup of tea. There are various privileges but also some downfalls to this way of life. With our amazing membership perks, you can begin the life of freedom that you always wanted without the worries that accompany it.